Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Democratic Senator Evan Bayh Says No to Omnibus - No Stimulus Package Blog

In today's Wall Street Journal, Democratic Senator and former Indiana Governor Evan Bayh decries the pork-laden omnibus bill now blowing through Congress.

Bayh's blunt assessment: "The bloated omnibus requires sacrifice from no one, least of all the government. It only exacerbates the problem and hastens the day of reckoning."

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Steve Forbes Says 1933 is Coming Again - No Stimulus Package Blog

Steve Forbes weighs in today with a sobering assessment of the current financial crisis and our march back in time to the height of the Great Depression.

As Forbes says, a crisis must usually reach a moral tipping point, before the best answers are enacted. Let's hope we're there and let us elect folks in 2010 that will empower working families and our now frail economy.

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Pork on the Heels of Porkulus - No Stimulus Package Blog

Fresh off the trillion dollar plus "stimulus" package which the Congressional Budget Office projects will actually result in a net job loss over the next decade, President Obama will again break a major campaign promise when he signs the pork-laden omnibus bill.

According to Obama's right-hand man Rahm Emmanuel, the President's promise to reject bills including pork is "last year's business."

Apparently also on the "last year's business" list is Obama's promise to allow Americans to view every bill online, before he signs it into law. He's broken that promise with the "stimulus" package, the Lilly Ledbetter act and SCHIP--the first bills to hit his desk!

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stimulus Allows Sale of Your Medical Records - No Stimulus Package Blog

Check out this revealing story from Fred Lucas, which shines a harsh light on the many and varied reasons that your health records could be sold thanks to the Obamalosi "stimulus" bill. Ain't big government grand?!?

Call your Senators and Representative and demand that they vote NO on all future stimulus packages. (202) 224-3121

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Vizualizing a Trillion Dollars - No Stimulus Package Blog

From the comments section of an article I posted to Newsvine here:

A stack of thousand dollar bills four inches high is a million dollars. One million dollars.

One billion dollars is a stack of one thousand dollar bills 4000 inches tall or 333 1/3 feet high!

Consider the Obama/Pelosi/Reid/democrat stimulus/debt and Recovery Act of 2009. Round off to one trillion dollars. That is a stack of one thousand dollar bills four million inches tall or 63.1313 miles high!


From Senator Mitch McConnell: “If you started spending the day that Jesus was born and you spend a million dollars every single day, you still wouldn't have spent a trillion dollars.”

Call your Senators and Representative and demand that they vote NO on the "stimulus" package. (202) 224-3121


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Thomas Jefferson Chimes in Once More on the Stimulus Package - No Stimulus Package Blog

"To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. If we run into such debts, we (will then) be taxed in our meat and our drink, in our necessities and in our comforts, in our labor and in our amusements. If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people under the pretense of caring for them, they (will) be happy." - Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States/Author of the Declaration of Independence, 1791

Thanks for the quote to Michael Reagan, son of the late President Ronald Reagan. Call your Senators and Representative and demand that they vote NO on the stimulus package. (202) 224-3121

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Charles Schumer Reveals What Americans Think about Pork Spending - No Stimulus Package Blog

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Senators Lindsay Graham and Barbara Boxer Clash On Senate Floor - No Stimulus Package Blog

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Republicans Say Their Plan Will Create More Jobs - No Stimulus Package Blog

Check out this post from the Republican members of the House Ways and Means committee. They project that their plan will create far more jobs than the current "stimulus" package being pushed by President Obama and the Democratic Congressional leadership.

FYI, the GOP figures include state-by-state jobs creation numbers and are based on a 2007 National Bureau of Economic Research study.

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Monday, February 9, 2009

$9.7 Trillion On the Line - No Stimulus Package Blog

Bloomberg has added up all the costs of the TARP, FDIC bailouts and the current "stimulus" package. The grand total: $9,700,000,000,000. Check out their tally here.

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Friday, February 6, 2009

CBO Projects Stimulus Will Do Long-Term Harm to GDP - No Stimulus Package Blog

As the Washington Times reports here, the Congressional Budget Office on Wednesday declared that President Obama and the Congressional Democrats' "stimulus" package will cause long-term harm to our nation's output and will have little impact on job growth.

With polls showing a majority of Americans (and growing) against this bill, what will it take for Congress and the President to put the brakes on? Jamming their phone lines and email inboxes with your discontent!

Call your Senators and Representative and demand that they vote NO on the current "stimulus" plan and move to a better bill that creates long-term job growth and digs us out through the free market. (202) 224-3121

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thomas Jefferson Weighs in on Stimulus - No Stimulus Package Blog

Amazingly, our third President and the author of the Declaration of Independence has come back from the dead to inveigh against President Obama's "stimulus" package. Okay, Jefferson isn't really back from the dead but his words still ring true:

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."

Thanks to Ericka Anderson of for digging up that quote.

Call your Senators and Representative and demand that they vote NO on the current "stimulus" plan. (202) 224-3121

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Popular Support for Stimulus Dropping Like Lead Balloon - No Stimulus Package Blog

Rasmussen's latest survey finds a great majority of Americans do not support President Obama's "stimulus" package in its present form. Check it out here.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New Website Allows Readers to Search Stimulus Bill - No Stimulus Package Blog

Do you want to see what's actually in the stimulus bill, beyond what's reported here and elsewhere? Cruise by to browse the entirety of the House and Senate versions of President Obama's proposed $1,000,000,000,000+ "stimulus" plan.

Call your Senators and Representative and demand that they vote NO on the current "stimulus" package. (202) 224-3121

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Monday, February 2, 2009

How Government Prolonged the Depression - No Stimulus Package Blog

Many credit New Deal policies with pulling the U.S. out of the Great Depression. However, FDR's plan was a mixed bag which in many cases prolonged the Great Depression.

Check out this great Wall Street Journal article by University of Pennsylvania professor of economics Harold Cole and UCLA professor of economics Lee Ohanian.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

CNBC's Lawrence Kudlow says Shelve the Stimulus - No Stimulus Package Blog

Check out this great article by CNBC host Lawrence Kudlow on the train wreck that is the stimulus package that passed the House of Reps. and which continues to be pushed by President Barrack "I Won" Obama. As Kudlow points out, even Clinton economist Alice Rivlin inveighed against the trillion+ dollar monstrosity that Pelosi and friends passed with glee.

Call your Senators and Representative and demand that they hit the brakes on the stimulus package. (202) 224-3121

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Video Report - Employment Booster? - No Stimulus Package Blog

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A 40-Year Wish List - No Stimulus Package Blog

Check out this great Wall Street Journal article on President Obama's proposed "stimulus" plan. Again, if Dems would cut the pork (or even most of it), they have a much better chance of winning GOP votes. Check out some of the "stimulus" that passed the House vote:

- Less than $30 billion for highway improvements
- $600,000,000 for the federal government to buy new cars (not for you and me)
- $325,000,000 for STD prevention
- $150,000,000 to insure farmers against honeybee damage
- $81,000,000,000 for Medicaid
- $36,000,000,000 for unemployment benefits
- $20,000,000,000 for food stamps
- $1,000,000,000+ for the Department of Health and Human Services to study alternative medical treatments

Again, this is supposed to be a STIMULUS package. Perhaps most if not all of the money should go to jobs creation and incentivizing businesses and individuals to start spending again?!?

Call your Senators and Representative and tell them to vote NO on the current "stimulus" plan. (202) 224-3121

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Video of David Asman's Final Score on Stimulus Plan - No Stimulus Package Blog

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Harvard Economist Decries Stimulus Package - No Stimulus Package Blog

Check out this great editorial in today's Washington Post from Harvard professor Martin Feldstein. As he highlights, the current "stimulus" package is laden with projects that will likely take years to get off the ground and includes entitlements that will be extraordinarily difficult to rescind.

Call your Senators and Representative and tell them to vote NO on the final version of President Obama's stimulus plan. (202) 224-3121

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House Passes Obama Plan Without a Single GOP Vote - No Stimulus Package Blog

Yesterday the U.S. House of Representatives passed President Obama's $800,000,000,000+ "stimulus" package without a single Republican vote. In fact, as one GOPer quipped, the only bipartisanship was in opposition to the bill which Democratic Rep. Frank Kratovil bluntly derided as "wasteful spending."

Of course, as Obama aides have noted, the real test will come when the bill leaves conference and comes up for a final Congressional vote. Call your Senators and Representative today and demand that they vote NO on the final version of this "stimulus" package. (202) 224-3121

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

House GOP Leaders Offer Yet Another Alternative to Obama Stimulus Plan - No Stimulus Package Blog

As Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann blogs about here, House Republicans Dave Camp and Eric Cantor have put forth their own stimulus plan, which will dramatically reduce taxes for the lowest income brackets and include a big tax deduction for small businesses--employers of nearly half of all working Americans.

Check out the House GOP plan and call your Senators and Representative and demand that they truly stimulate the economy, not bury future generations under reprehensible debt. (202) 224-3121

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Citi Grows a Brain and Cancels Private Plane - No Stimulus Package Blog

Citi has ditched their plan to purchase a $50 million luxury jet with money from hard-working Americans. That's a good thing. But how does the government plan to regulate the tens of thousands of other recipients of our largesse?

Call your Senators and Representative and tell them to vote NO on the current "stimulus" package. (202) 224-3121

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Video of Steve Forbes Chiming In on Stimulus Package - No Stimulus Package Blog

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Republicans Offer Alternative Stimulus Plan - No Stimulus Package Blog

GOP leaders are offering a sensible alternative to Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid and President Obama's "stimulus" package. As reported here, the Republican proposal would jumpstart the economy through major tax cuts and tax credits, including raising the child tax credit from $1000 to $5000. This combination of tax cuts and tax incentives is based on the tried and true notion that freeing businesses to grow and hire and allowing folks to keep more of their hard-earned money, will do more to stimulate economic growth than any amount of government spending.

It worked for Kennedy and Reagan and it can work for us. Call your Senators and Representative and demand that they vote NO on the current "stimulus" package and take a long look at the GOP alternative. (202) 224-3121

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Economists Respond to "Stimulus" Package - No Stimulus Package Blog

Check out this advertisement featuring many economists' response to President Obama's $850,000,000,000 stimulus package. FYI, Keynesian economic theory asserts that government spending will induce private sector growth. As the CATO Institute ad relates, this terrible economic idea put into action failed to bail out the U.S. during the Great Depression and Japan during the 1990s.

Call your Senators and Representative and tell them to vote NO on the second "stimulus" package. (202) 224-3121

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hooray for Hollywood -- Studios to Get Share of the Bailout Pie - No Stimulus Package Blog

National Journal is reporting that even Hollywood film studios are lining up for their own dose of federal largesse via massive and previously unavailable tax breaks. In the words of the GOP aide quoted at the end of the article, "President Obama said that he didn't want the stimulus bill to turn into a Christmas tree. Well, Christmas has come early for Hollywood."

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Stimulus Package to Throw Two Billion Dollars at HHS - No Stimulus Package Blog

As reported here, the second "stimulus" package is slated to include nearly $2,000,000,000 for the Department of Health and Human Services to compare a variety of medical treatments and establish best practices. Can somebody please tell me what in the wide, wide, wide world of sports this has to do with digging our nation out of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression?!?

Why not throw a billion or two at the Department of Transportation to study better road design? Or how about dumping a few hundred million hard-earned taxpayer dollars on the Department of Labor to study optimal lunch break strategy?

Call your Senators and Representative today and demand that they vote NO on the second "stimulus" package. (202) 224-3121

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Update: CBO Reports that Just $216 Billion of Bailout to Be Allocated by 2011 - No Stimulus Package Blog

Update: According to the CBO blog linked below, just $216 billion of the $825 billion package proposed by President Obama will be allocated by the end of 2010. Obviously this estimate is much higher than the $26 billion estimate which spread quickly online.

Of course, this allocation doesn't equate to actual government spending in the next two years, especially considering the lengthy government contract bidding process and the organizational inefficiencies commensurate with massive increases in funding--a reality specifically mentioned by the CBO Director.

Again, why not suspend payroll taxes and offer tax incentives to banks and private citizens, rather than swell the national deficit by nearly $1,000,000,000,000 and plunge headlong into the semi-socialism that has crippled economic growth in the UK and elsewhere?

Call your Senator and Rep. today and demand that they vote NO on the second "stimulus" package. (202) 224-3121

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Dems to Drop Birth Control from Stimulus Package - No Stimulus Package Blog

As reported here, Democratic Congressional leaders have dropped hundreds of millions in new federal contraceptive funding from the second "stimulus" package. Of course, the current package still includes hundreds of millions for federal employees to acquire alternative fuel cars, nearly 300 million for State Department computers and other utterly shameful purchases to be planted firmly on the back of generations of hard-working taxpayers.

Call your Senator and Rep. and tell them to vote NO on the second "stimulus" package. (202) 224-3121

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Monday, January 26, 2009

Economic Stimulus or Just More Pork? - No Stimulus Package Blog

As the San Francisco Chronicle reports, check out just a few ways that President Obama and our Congress want to stimulate the economy...
1) $400,000,000 for climate change research
2) $600,000,000 for alternative fuel cars for government workers
3) $2,500,000,000 to upgrade low-income housing

Call your Senator or Rep. and tell them to vote NO on the second "stimulus" plan. (202) 224-3121

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Stimulus Package Working Like a Charm...Citi Buys $50 Million Jet with Our Money - No Stimulus Package Blog

As the New York Post reports, Citi brilliantly spent $50 million of our money on a shiny new jet.

Call your Senator or Rep. and tell them to vote NO on the new "stimulus" plan. (202) 224-3121

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Stimulate the Economy Now...Did We Say Now?

Check out this great Wall Street Journal article on just how much of President Obama's proposed $850,000,000 stimulus package will spent by 2010.

Call your Senator or Rep. and tell them to vote NO on the new "stimulus" plan. (202) 224-3121

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Welcome to No Stimulus - No Stimulus Blog

Greetings. Subscribe to this blog to receive daily updates on the case against President Obama's new $850,000,000,000 government "stimulus" plan.

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