Thursday, February 12, 2009

Vizualizing a Trillion Dollars - No Stimulus Package Blog

From the comments section of an article I posted to Newsvine here:

A stack of thousand dollar bills four inches high is a million dollars. One million dollars.

One billion dollars is a stack of one thousand dollar bills 4000 inches tall or 333 1/3 feet high!

Consider the Obama/Pelosi/Reid/democrat stimulus/debt and Recovery Act of 2009. Round off to one trillion dollars. That is a stack of one thousand dollar bills four million inches tall or 63.1313 miles high!


From Senator Mitch McConnell: “If you started spending the day that Jesus was born and you spend a million dollars every single day, you still wouldn't have spent a trillion dollars.”

Call your Senators and Representative and demand that they vote NO on the "stimulus" package. (202) 224-3121


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